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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Software Quality Management 2 mark Unit II,

Unit II
1. What is software quality?
            Software quality measures how well software is designed (quality of design), and how well the software conforms to that design ( quality of conformance), although there are several different definitions.

2. Define software quality assurance?
            Software Quality Assurance (SQA) is defined as a planned and systematic approach to the evaluation of the quality and adherence to software product standards of processes and procedures.

3.  What are the processes of SQA in software development process?
            Software design
            Source code coding
            Source code control
Code reviews
Change management
Configuration management
Release management.

4. What is known as documentation standards?
            Documentation Standards specify form and content for planning, control and product documentation and provide consistency throughout a project.

5. What are design standards?
            Design standards specify the form and content of the design product. They provide rules and methods for translating the software requirements into the software design and for representing it in the design documentation.

6. What are code standards?
            Code standards specify the language in which the code is to be written and define any restrictions on use of language features. They define legal language structures,style conventions, rules for data structures and interfaces and internal code documentation.

7. How are verification and validation done in SQA?
            SQA assures Verification and Validation (V & V) activities by monitoring technical reviews, inspections and walkthroughs.

8. What are the testing process documentation?
Ø  Test plans
Ø  Test specifications
Ø  Test procedures
Ø  Test reports.

9. What are the different types of documentation?
Ø  Software requirements
Ø  User documentation
Ø  Analysis documentation
Ø  Architectural and implementation documentation
Ø  Marketing documentation
Ø  Technical documentation
Ø  Design and Implementation documentation
Ø  Design documentation
Ø  Operation and Maintenance Documentation
Ø  Test Documentation
Ø  Installation and Checkout Documentation
Ø  Source code documentation
Ø  Project management documentation

10. What is a SQA Status Reports Report?
            SQA status is reported monthly. The content of this report will identify:
            1) Items produced by the SQA functions
            2) Significant software development compliance problems, if any, along with
                their agreed to and recommended corrective actions.
            3) Audits, reviews and tests accomplished during the reporting period.

11. What is a software review?
            A software review is “ A process or meeting during which a software product is  [examined by] project personnel, managers, users, customers, user representatives or other interested parties for comment or approval.

12. What are the types of software reviews?
            Software reviews may be divided into three categories:
            Software peer reviews
            Software management reviews
            Software audit reviews

13. What is a software peer review?
            They are conducted by the author of the work product, or by one or more colleagues of the author, to evaluate the technical content and quality of the work.

14. What is a pair programming review?
            Pair programming is a type of code review where two persons develop code together at the same workstation. While reviewing, the observer also considers the strategic directions of the work, coming up with ideas for improvements and likely future problems to address.

15.  What is known as Inspection review?
            Inspection is a very formal type of peer review where the reviewers are following  a well-defined process to find defects.

16. What are the processes in Inspection review?
Ø  Planning
Ø  Overview meeting
Ø  Preparation
Ø  Inspection meeting
Ø  Rework
Ø  Follow-up

17. What are the roles in Inspection review?

18. What are walkthrough reviews?
Walkthrough is a form of peer review where the author leads members of the development team and other interested parties through a software product and the participants ask questions and make comments about defects.

19. Who is a Author?
            The author, who presents the software product in step-by step manner at the walk-  through meeting and is probably responsible for completing most action items.

20. What are the roles in walkthroughs?
            Walkthrough Leader

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