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Sunday, July 14, 2013


1.Define data warehouse?
A data warehouse is a repository of multiple heterogeneous data sources
organized under a unified schema at a single site to facilitate management decision
making .
A data warehouse is a subject-oriented, time-variant and nonvolatile
collection of data in support of management’s decision-making process.

2.What are operational databases?
Organizations maintain large database that are updated by daily transactions are
called operational databases.

3.Define OLTP?
If an on-line operational database systems is used for efficient retrieval, efficient
storage and management of large amounts of data, then the system is said to be on-line
transaction processing.

4.Define OLAP?
Data warehouse systems serves users (or) knowledge workers in the role of data
analysis and decision-making. Such systems can organize and present data in various
formats. These systems are known as on-line analytical processing systems.

5.How a database design is represented in OLTP systems?
Entity-relation model

6. How a database design is represented in OLAP systems?
Star schema
Snowflake schema
Fact constellation schema

7.Write short notes on multidimensional data model?
Data warehouses and OLTP tools are based on a multidimensional data model.
This model is used for the design of corporate data warehouses and department data
marts. This model contains a Star schema, Snowflake schema and Fact constellation
schemas. The core of the multidimensional model is the data cube.

8.Define data cube?
It consists of a large set of facts (or) measures and a number of dimensions.

9.What are facts?
Facts are numerical measures. Facts can also be considered as quantities by which
we can analyze the relationship between dimensions.

10.What are dimensions?
Dimensions are the entities (or) perspectives with respect to an organization for
keeping records and are hierarchical in nature.

11.Define dimension table?
A dimension table is used for describing the dimension.
(e.g.) A dimension table for item may contain the attributes item_ name, brand and type.

12.Define fact table?
Fact table contains the name of facts (or) measures as well as keys to each of the
related dimensional tables.

13.What are lattice of cuboids?
In data warehousing research literature, a cube can also be called as cuboids. For
different (or) set of dimensions, we can construct a lattice of cuboids, each showing the
data at different level. The lattice of cuboids is also referred to as data cube.

14.What is apex cuboid?
The 0-D cuboid which holds the highest level of summarization is called the apex
cuboid. The apex cuboid is typically denoted by all.

15.List out the components of star schema?
 A large central table (fact table) containing the bulk of data with no
_ A set of smaller attendant tables (dimension tables), one for each

16.What is snowflake schema?
The snowflake schema is a variant of the star schema model, where some
dimension tables are normalized thereby further splitting the tables in to additional tables.

17.List out the components of fact constellation schema?
This requires multiple fact tables to share dimension tables. This kind of schema
can be viewed as a collection of stars and hence it is known as galaxy schema (or) fact
constellation schema.

18.Point out the major difference between the star schema and the snowflake
The dimension table of the snowflake schema model may be kept in normalized
form to reduce redundancies. Such a table is easy to maintain and saves storage space.
19.Which is popular in the data warehouse design, star schema model (or)
snowflake schema model?
Star schema model, because the snowflake structure can reduce the effectiveness
and more joins will be needed to execute a query.

20.Define concept hierarchy?
A concept hierarchy defines a sequence of mappings from a set of low-level
concepts to higher-level concepts.

21.Define total order?
If the attributes of a dimension which forms a concept hierarchy such as
Province or state
Fig: Partial order for location
22.Define partial order?
If the attributes of a dimension which forms a lattice such as
23.Define schema hierarchy?
A concept hierarchy that is a total (or) partial order among attributes in a database
schema is called a schema hierarchy.
24.List out the OLAP operations in multidimensional data model?
_ Roll-up
_ Drill-down
_ Slice and dice
_ Pivot (or) rotate

25.What is roll-up operation?
The roll-up operation is also called drill-up operation which performs aggregation
on a data cube either by climbing up a concept hierarchy for a dimension (or) by
dimension reduction.

26.What is drill-down operation?
Drill-down is the reverse of roll-up operation. It navigates from less detailed data
to more detailed data. Drill-down operation can be taken place by stepping down a
concept hierarchy for a dimension.

27.What is slice operation?
The slice operation performs a selection on one dimension of the cube resulting in
a sub cube.

28.What is dice operation?
The dice operation defines a sub cube by performing a selection on two (or) more

29.What is pivot operation?
This is a visualization operation that rotates the data axes in an alternative
presentation of the data.

30.List out the views in the design of a data warehouse?
_ Top-down view
_ Data source view
_ Data warehouse view
_ Business query view

31.What are the methods for developing large software systems?
_ Waterfall method
_ Spiral method

32.How the operation is performed in waterfall method?
The waterfall method performs a structured and systematic analysis at each step
before proceeding to the next, which is like a waterfall falling from one step to the next.

33.How the operation is performed in spiral method?
The spiral method involves the rapid generation of increasingly functional
systems, with short intervals between successive releases. This is considered as a good
choice for the data warehouse development especially for data marts, because the turn
around time is short, modifications can be done quickly and new designs and
technologies can be adapted in a timely manner.

34.List out the steps of the data warehouse design process?
_ Choose a business process to model.
_ Choose the grain of the business process
_ Choose the dimensions that will apply to each fact table record.
_ Choose the measures that will populate each fact table record.

35.Define ROLAP?
The ROLAP model is an extended relational DBMS that maps operations on
multidimensional data to standard relational operations.

36.Define MOLAP?
The MOLAP model is a special purpose server that directly implements
multidimensional data and operations.

37.Define HOLAP?
The hybrid OLAP approach combines ROLAP and MOLAP technology,
benefiting from the greater scalability of ROLAP and the faster computation of
MOLAP,(i.e.) a HOLAP server may allow large volumes of detail data to be stored in a
relational database, while aggregations are kept in a separate MOLAP store.

38.What is enterprise warehouse?
An enterprise warehouse collects all the information’s about subjects spanning the
entire organization. It provides corporate-wide data integration, usually from one (or)
more operational systems (or) external information providers. It contains detailed data as
well as summarized data and can range in size from a few giga bytes to hundreds of giga
bytes, tera bytes (or) beyond. An enterprise data warehouse may be implemented on
traditional mainframes, UNIX super servers (or) parallel architecture platforms. It
requires business modeling and may take years to design and build.

39.What is data mart?
Data mart is a database that contains a subset of data present in a data warehouse.
Data marts are created to structure the data in a data warehouse according to issues such
as hardware platforms and access control strategies. We can divide a data warehouse into
data marts after the data warehouse has been created. Data marts are usually implemented
on low-cost departmental servers that are UNIX (or) windows/NT based. The
implementation cycle of the data mart is likely to be measured in weeks rather than
months (or) years.

40.What are dependent and independent data marts?
Dependent data marts are sourced directly from enterprise data warehouses.
Independent data marts are data captured from one (or) more operational systems (or)
external information providers (or) data generated locally with in particular department
(or) geographic area.
41.What is virtual warehouse?
A virtual warehouse is a set of views over operational databases. For efficient
query processing, only some of the possible summary views may be materialized. A
virtual warehouse is easy to build but requires excess capability on operational database

42.Define indexing?
Indexing is a technique, which is used for efficient data retrieval (or) accessing
data in a faster manner. When a table grows in volume, the indexes also increase in size
requiring more storage.

43.What are the types of indexing?
_ B-Tree indexing
_ Bit map indexing
_ Join indexing

44.Define metadata?
Metadata is used in data warehouse is used for describing data about data.
(i.e.) meta data are the data that define warehouse objects. Metadata are created for the
data names and definitions of the given warehouse.

45.Define VLDB?
Very Large Data Base. If a database whose size is greater than 100GB, then
the database is said to be very large database.

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