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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Restricted க்கும் acquaintances என்ன வேறுபாடு?

These are people you don’t really care to see updates from that often. Yes, you can also control what they see of you, which is good, but primarily this is about what you do or don’t want to see from them! No hard feelings. We’re talking, maybe, the kids that added you and are always talking nonsense and noise. You wanna be nice and accept their “friendship” but, “whoa, less noise please!” This is the list! 
Maybe you’re a leader in the public eye and you have lots of people who think you’re “friends”, but in all honesty you don’t care what they ate for supper or to see the 10th picture of their dog that day, or hear about how she’s “so angry she’s about to go off on yada yada…”

Well, Acquaintance those folks!Again, yes you can control what these folks see of you as well by using your Audience Selector in your posting box (remember, go watch that post).


Then there’s the Restricted. These are the people you don’t want to be seeing your updates. Yes you can control this in other ways, but this is more of a blanket fix. Ya know, for those people you just know, that you know, that you know, ya don’t want them creepin on ya! Ha!

Once someone goes in this list, the only way they see your content is if it’s posted as Public in your Audience Selector when you post, or if you directly tag them.

I’d have to admit that I rarely find use for this list. I guess perhaps if you’re wanting to hide things from your boss you might find it useful (one of you has a problem then).

Maybe again your someone in the public eye and you don’t want people seeing your baby pictures, status updates from your out-of-town trips, honeymoon speedo shots, etc., then, well, there’s a few uses for it.

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